UChicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center

Can metastatic cancer be controlled long term or even eliminated?

Research conducted by physicians at the UChicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center and elsewhere has confirmed that some people with oligometastatic cancer — an early state of metastatic cancer — can be controlled long term or even eliminated with aggressive therapy. This includes localized therapy such as radiation and surgery as well as systemic therapy like chemotherapy and immunotherapy.

For example, our cancer experts found that long term survival was achieved in about 30% of colorectal patients with liver metastases following a liver resection, chemotherapy and treatment of primary colorectal tumors.

Researchers at UChicago Medicine also co-authored a seminal study that established the safety of stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) for patients with limited metastases. Of the 61 patients enrolled, one-year progression-free survival rate was 33% and the two-year progression-free survival rate was 22%.

Which treatments are used with the intent to control and/or eliminate metastatic cancer?

If you have metastatic cancer, you may benefit from a variety of therapies.

Following are just some of the promising treatments available through the Limited Metastatic Cancer Program for treating metastatic cancer.

What can I expect when I come to UChicago Medicine for metastatic cancer treatment?

Our intake coordinator will work with you and your referring physician to gather your medical records and test results before your first meeting with physicians in our Limited Metastatic Cancer Program. Then, you will meet with a team of expert physicians specializing in your type of cancer.

Together, we will determine if you need additional imaging or biopsies to get genetic information on your tumors. Then, we will work with you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan designed to achieve the best possible outcomes based on your situation. Depending on your disease, one specialty — radiation oncology, medical oncology or surgery — will likely take the lead in your treatment and guide you through the next steps.

Can I still have chemotherapy and radiation treatments close to home?

Cancer patients come to the UChicago Medicine Comprehensive Cancer Center because we are experts in designing personalized chemotherapy and radiation treatment plans for people with metastatic cancer. For your convenience, we offer chemotherapy at a variety of locations in Chicago, the suburbs and Indiana. Radiation treatment is also available at several care sites. 

However, if you prefer to receive chemotherapy at an infusion center close to home, we can help you find another location for chemotherapy care. Your chemotherapy plan will be overseen by physicians at UChicago Medicine and coordinated with your local medical oncologist.

The exception to this would be if you choose to participate in a clinical trial at UChicago Medicine. Clinical trials give you access to the most advanced metastatic cancer treatments at UChicago Medicine before they become widely available.

Will insurance cover my treatment?

In most cases, insurance plans cover aggressive treatment for metastatic cancer. However, each plan is different. If you have questions, our dedicated financial team is available to help you navigate the process.

What if my metastatic cancer cannot be treated with the intent to eliminate the disease?

Not everyone with metastatic cancer is a candidate for treatment with the intent to achieve a disease-free state. You may not benefit from this type of treatment approach if you have advanced metastatic cancer. Or you may have other health conditions that make it difficult for you to tolerate aggressive treatment. In such cases, our team can still offer a variety of treatments that can lead to prolonged survival, provide comfort and meet your personal goals. 

Request an Appointment

We are currently experiencing a high volume of inquiries, leading to delayed response times. For faster assistance, please call 1-855-702-8222 to schedule your appointment.

If you have symptoms of an urgent nature, please call your doctor or go to the emergency room immediately.

For Referring Physicians

To refer a patient to the Limited Metastatic Cancer Program, please call 855-702-8222.

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