Female sterilization surgery is a permanent method of birth control. At the University of Chicago Medicine, female sterilization is offered to people who are confident that they do not desire conception in the future. A person may make this decision if they have a medical condition that would make a pregnancy dangerous or if they desire an irreversible birth control method.

Are you or your partner a candidate for female sterilization (tubal ligation or tubal removal/bilateral
salpingectomy )?

If you or your partner are seriously considering female sterilization surgery, your doctor will conduct an evaluation and either recommend it or suggest an alternative. The evaluation process is personalized and based on a unique combination of complex factors.

Be prepared to discuss your medical history, as well as your reproductive wellness and family planning goals. As part of your comprehensive counseling, you will also learn about highly effective reversible birth control methods. Your doctor will review all of your (and your partner’s) potential options for pregnancy prevention.

Types of Female Sterilization Surgery: Tubal Ligation or Tubal Removal/Bilateral

At the University of Chicago Medicine, our gynecologic surgeons perform two sterilization surgery techniques:

  • Tubal ligation or “getting your tubes tied”: The fallopian tubes are either cut, tied, clipped or occluded (blocked).
  • Tubal removal (bilateral salpingectomy): Both fallopian tubes are completely removed. 

Both techniques are performed laparoscopically, meaning through small incisions in the belly. With this approach, patients generally experience quicker healing and return to normal activity, compared to open surgical procedures.

Some studies suggest that both methods can also decrease the risk of ovarian cancer in women. The decrease in risk may be greater with the bilateral salpingectomy.

What to You Need to Know About Bilateral Salpingectomy and Tubal Ligation Procedures

Is tubal ligation reversal possible?

Although it may be an option, if you or your partner are open to the possibility of tubal reversal, female sterilization is not recommended as a birth control method. Instead, you should talk with your doctor about effective pregnancy prevention options that may work better for you.

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