Mohan S. Gundeti, MD
Mohan S. Gundeti, MD
Professor of Surgery
Professor of Pediatrics
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Director, Pediatric Urology
- Pediatric Urology
- Urology
- Chicago - Comer Children's Hospital
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I'm Mohan Gundeti, and I'm a professor and chief in pediatric urology at University of Chicago Comer Children's Hospital. So my specialty deals with problems in children of kidney and bladder. And these problems often arise before they are born.
I think there is a lot of difference we can make in the human lives. We all strive to do the best, either it could be environment, it could be agricultural. But health is a basic need. And being providing the best health for human lives is the greatest difference you can make. I got trained earlier in India, I graduated in India. I was a urologist surgeon. But I always have a passion to take care of children.
And with the rare speciality, I went to London to get trained in one of the famous center in the world. That's where the birth of pediatric urology happened in '70s. So once I got trained and practiced there, my niche was application of robotic surgery. And University of Chicago was a great infrastructure for such a high tech application, cutting edge technology, and the team of people.
My philosophy of care is tripod. The most important thing is, we have to provide the great expertise to children because it's only one opportunity we can do better in children because children can't take complication that much. The second thing is involving the parents and family in decision-making process. And the third thing is integrated personalized approach and care with the compassion is my philosophy of care.
More than two decades I've been practicing, what I learn is how best personalized care I can provide to children. But I also learned that looking at the longevity of disease when not to do surgery. And that's most important, especially in children and pediatric field.
And along the process, I also learned that how can I train or create aspiring surgeons? And either it could be medical students, it could be our residents, or peer surgeons globally. So indirectly, we reach many children across the globe and not only at University of Chicago.
Mohan S. Gundeti, MD, is an internationally recognized leader in the field of pediatric robotic and laparoscopic surgery for treatment of congenital urological anomalies. An acclaimed innovator and pioneer, Dr. Gundeti was the first surgeon in the world to perform reconstructive bladder surgery in a pediatric patient and the first to perform pediatric robotic urology procedures in the city of Chicago. He also draws experience from London, Oxford (UK), and India for complex urological anomalies. As an innovator at heart, Dr. Gundeti has refined and modified a number of surgical procedures, including the vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) surgery, also known as the “LUAA” technique, for ureteral reimplantation. In addition to providing state-of-the-art clinical care, Dr. Gundeti's commitment to compassionate care is a strong component of his practice.
Dr. Gundeti is frequently recognized for his excellence in surgical teaching and instruction to medical students, residents, fellows, and surgical colleagues. He frequently serves as a guest speaker and faculty member for symposia and live surgery workshops for more than 30 countries globally, including Chile, Mexico, Spain, Israel, India, Bangladesh, Switzerland, France, Italy, Brazil, Australia, and at home. He is also the director of an annual course on robotic surgery at the University of Chicago Medicine, Dr. Gundeti shares his expertise globally with other practicing surgeons for safe application to children in need through a dedicated standalone Pediatric Robotic Surgery Mini-Fellowship.
Dr. Gundeti's research focuses on patient outcomes and innovative techniques in minimally invasive surgery. He is the principal author and editor and co-editor of four textbooks: Pediatric Robotic and Reconstructive Urology, Surgical Techniques in Pediatric and Adolescent Urology, Robotic Urological Surgery and Pediatric Urology Book. He currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Urology and Urology Video Journal. He is also a member of the video education committee of the American Urological Association.
For his outstanding clinical work, Dr. Gundeti has received numerous awards from the American Urological Association, European Society for Pediatric Urology, European Association of Urology Hans Marberger Award and Indian Society of Pediatric Urology. He has also been listed among the "Best Doctors in America", "Top Doctors in USA" and in Chicago Magazine's "Top Doctors" issues. Dr. Gundeti is committed to fundraising for urology research as well as pediatric urology medical missions in India through Gundeti Foundation.
Areas of Expertise
- Pediatric Urologic Oncology
- Robotic & Minimally Invasive Surgery for Kidney, Ureter & Bladder Reconstruction
Board Certifications
- Urology (India)
- Pediatric Urology (Europe)
Practicing Since
- 2005
Languages Spoken
- English
- Hindi
- Kannada
- Marathi
- Telugu
Medical Education
- Shivaji University, Kolhapur
- V.M. Medical College and General Hospital
- Tata Memorial Centre; V.M. Medical College and General Hospital
- Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children
Other Grad Education
- University of Mumbai,MCh
Memberships & Medical Societies
- Urological Society of India
- Society of Pediatric Urologist
- European Association of Urology
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Endourological Society
- European Society of Pediatric Urologists
- British Association of Urological Surgeons
News & Research
- Aetna Better Health *see insurance page
- Aetna HMO (specialists only)
- Aetna Medicare Advantage HMO & PPO
- Aetna POS
- Aetna PPO
- BCBS Blue Precision HMO (specialists only)
- BCBS HMO (HMOI) (specialists only)
- BCBS Medicare Advantage HMO & PPO
- Cigna HMO
- Cigna POS
- Cigna PPO
- CountyCare *see insurance page
- Humana Medicare Advantage Choice PPO
- Humana Medicare Advantage Gold Choice PFFS
- Humana Medicare Advantage Gold Plus HMO
- Medicare
- Multiplan PPO
- United Choice Plus POS/PPO
- United Choice HMO (specialists only)
- United Options (PPO)
- United Select (HMO & EPO) (specialists only)
- United W500 Emergent Wrap
- University of Chicago Health Plan (UCHP)
Our list of accepted insurance providers is subject to change at any time. You should contact your insurance company to confirm UChicago Medicine participates in their network before scheduling your appointment. If you have questions regarding your insurance benefits at UChicago Medicine, please contact our financial counseling team at OPSFinancialCounseling@uchospitals.edu.
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