Douglas Nordli, III, MD
Douglas Nordli, III, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Director, Pediatric Epilepsy Monitoring Unit
- Pediatric Neurology
- Chicago - Comer Children's Hospital
- Hinsdale, IL - Salt Creek Lane
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I'm Doug Nordli. I'm a pediatric neurologist and epileptologist, which means I treat children with neurologic concerns and seizures. Becoming a physician was really my life's earliest calling. My dad is a pediatric neurologist and my mom is a nurse practitioner. And I saw the impact that they had on kids and patients. And I felt a calling to follow in their footsteps.
Comer Children's represents, for me, an area which I call home. I grew up in Chicago. I love the city of Chicago. I love everyone. I love the culture here. And I wanted to raise my family in the Chicagoland area and really establish a practice that takes care of my neighbors and the people that surround me. And I felt like University of Chicago and Comer Children's best represents that mission.
My interest within pediatric neurology is seizure disorders and epilepsy. So really, the main test that we do to understand if people have a predisposition towards seizures is through testing their brain waves with a test called an EEG. It's non-invasive. It doesn't prick the skin. It's just wires that go on the head and record the brain waves. And my main interest is analyzing those brain waves and determining what's going on, where it could be coming from, how to treat it, and how to make the seizures stop.
In part of what I do, I entertain the possibility of certain patients may be candidates for a minimally invasive brain surgery to stop their seizures altogether. And that's something that I'm comfortable and investigating.
I think that my most unique experience is the time that I spent as a kid on the sidelines of this field. I grew up watching my dad take care of patients with neurologic conditions and children with neurologic conditions. And I think that I'm humbled by watching his career and how he's helped patients. And I'm respectful of the discipline and of the families that bring their children to us. So I think through that lifetime worth of observing how things go that I've been able to see more or less how I want to model my own practice and how I approach patients in their care.
Douglas R. Nordli, III, MD, is a highly skilled pediatric neurologist specializing in epilepsy. Dr. Nordli is renowned for his expertise in developing individualized treatment plans tailored to the unique needs of each child. He continues to advance epilepsy treatment for children, with expertise in:
- EEG (Electroencephalography): Monitoring and interpreting brain wave patterns to provide precise diagnoses and guide treatment
- Epilepsy Surgery: Collaborating with surgical teams to ensure the best outcomes for patients when surgical intervention can significantly improve a child's quality of life
- Focal Epilepsy: Creating targeted treatment plans to address seizures originating from specific areas of the brain
- Drug-Resistant Epilepsy: Specializing in detailed case analysis, developing alternative treatment plans and leading-edge options for patients whose seizures do not respond to medication
Dr. Nordli's approach to patient care centers around building strong relationships with his patients and their families. He listens carefully to their concerns, answers their questions, and addresses their fears and anxieties. By working collaboratively with families, he strives to provide the best possible care for each child.
In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Nordli has published over 30 peer-reviewed journal articles, four book chapters and more than 25 regional and national posters and abstracts. He serves as an associate editor with the Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, providing him with valuable connections and a comprehensive understanding of the latest advancements in neurology, particularly in epilepsy. Dr. Nordli leverages his academic background to push the boundaries of patient care, working alongside his colleagues at the University of Chicago to offer patients with epilepsy either a cure or significant improvement without side effects or disability.
Areas of Expertise
- Epilepsy
- Epilepsy Surgery
- Focal Epilepsy
- Drug-Resistant Epilepsy
- Pediatric Epilepsy
Board Certifications
- Neurology with Special Qualification in Child Neurology
Languages Spoken
- English
Medical Education
- American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine
- University of Florida
- Mayo Clinic Florida
- The University of Chicago
News & Research
- Aetna Better Health *see insurance page
- Aetna HMO (specialists only)
- Aetna Medicare Advantage HMO & PPO
- Aetna POS
- Aetna PPO
- BCBS Blue Precision HMO (specialists only)
- BCBS HMO (HMOI) (specialists only)
- BCBS Medicare Advantage HMO & PPO
- Cigna HMO
- Cigna POS
- Cigna PPO
- CountyCare *see insurance page
- Humana Medicare Advantage Choice PPO
- Humana Medicare Advantage Gold Choice PFFS
- Humana Medicare Advantage Gold Plus HMO
- Medicare
- Multiplan PPO
- United Choice Plus POS/PPO
- United Choice HMO (specialists only)
- United Options (PPO)
- United Select (HMO & EPO) (specialists only)
- United W500 Emergent Wrap
- University of Chicago Health Plan (UCHP)
Our list of accepted insurance providers is subject to change at any time. You should contact your insurance company to confirm UChicago Medicine participates in their network before scheduling your appointment. If you have questions regarding your insurance benefits at UChicago Medicine, please contact our financial counseling team at OPSFinancialCounseling@uchospitals.edu.
Some of our physicians and health professionals collaborate with external pharmaceutical, medical device, or other medical related entities to develop new treatments and products to improve clinical outcomes for patients. In some instances, the physician has ownership interests in the external entity and/or is compensated for advising or speaking about the entity’s products or treatments. These payments may include compensation for consulting and speaking engagements, equity, and/or royalties for products invented by our physicians. To assure objectivity and integrity in patient care, UChicago Medicine requires all physicians and health professionals to report their relationships and financial interests with external entities on an annual basis. This information is used to review relationships and transactions that might give rise to potential financial conflicts of interest, and when considered to be significant a management plan to mitigate any biases is created.
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