We provide diagnostic services to referring physicians and outside pathologists as part of our comprehensive strategy for the early diagnosis and treatment of breast disease. Our collaboration with the University of Chicago Medicine’s team of clinical specialists in breast disease allows us to provide referring physicians, pathologists, and patients with expert diagnoses as well as guidance on appropriate management. Our pathologists have expertise in interpreting all types of breast specimens, including surgical pathology resections (lumpectomies and mastectomies), core needle biopsies, and fine needle aspirations of cases ranging from early benign conditions to complex, advanced-stage cancer.

In addition to diagnostic consultation, we have the ability to review molecular pathologic technologies as they pertain to the diagnosis and clinical management of breast cancer patients. We offer a variety of specialized molecular tests, ranging from single-gene tests to next-generation sequencing assays and immunohistochemistry analysis of ER/PR and HER2-neu staining to FISH capabilities.



  • Breast carcinoma markers
  • Consultation on prepared slides/blocks
  • Cytogenetics
  • Immunofluorescence
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Surgical Pathology - General Specimen Submission Guidelines
  • Surgical Pathology - Special Testing Specimen Submission Guidelines