Conference on "The Business of Healthcare: How Change & Market Forces Are Impacting Consumers and Institutional Survival"
Conference on "The Business of Healthcare: How Change & Market Forces Are Impacting Consumers and Institutional Survival"
May 6, 1999
On May 6-7, 1999, industry leaders from across the country will gather at the University of Chicago's downtown Gleacher Center, 450 N. Cityfront Plaza, to discuss the future of healthcare institutions. "The Business of Healthcare: Positioning Yourself to Survive," will examine how rapid change is altering and perhaps endangering the healthcare industry and its consumers.
Glenn D. Steele, Jr., MD, PhD, dean of the Division of Biological Sciences and the Pritzker School of Medicine and vice president for medical affairs at the University of Chicago, will deliver the conference's keynote address at 10:15 am on May 6, 1999. Steele will speak on "The Business of Medicine--Shrinking Clinical Care Margins and Unlimited Scientific Opportunity: The University of Chicago Strategy."
Other speakers include: Rick Langfelder, senior vice president of the New York City Health and Hospitals Association; financial experts Vincent Kelly of Bank One in Chicago and Barry Diamond of the Miami-based Harrison Group; Richard D. Shrock, chief financial officer of Ohio State Medical Center; and Julia Clark, president of Clark Resource.
The program was organized by The Global Conference Institute. Corporate underwriters are American Express Asset Management, Bank One, DVI Inc., Fujisawa Healthcare, Harris Bank, OFFITBANK, and Rabobank International.
For further information or if you would like to attend this special event for the healthcare industry, please contact The Global Conference Institute at (412) 688-8973.