White Coat Ceremony set for Sept. 22 at University of Chicago
White Coat Ceremony set for Sept. 22 at University of Chicago
September 19, 2003
First-year students at the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Medicine.
(Note: This year's incoming class includes 12-year-old Sho Yano, the youngest student ever to attend one of the university's professional schools. Yano is in the University of Chicago Medical Scientist Training Program pursuing an MD and a PhD concurrently.)
Pritzker's White Coat Ceremony: a rite of passage for each entering class
This year, 104 medical students in the Class of 2007 will gather in Rockefeller Chapel to share with faculty, alumni, parents and friends in this special occasion as they don their white coats and stand together to recite the Hippocratic Oath.
The ceremony includes the Class of 2007 and faculty marching into the chapel, physician and author Rachel Remen, MD, of the University of California-San Francisco, giving the keynote address and each member of the class receiving a white coat with the University of Chicago Medical School seal. Additionally, each student will receive gifts from sponsors, including Remen's "Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories that Heal"--courtesy of university benefactors Reva and David Logan of Chicago. The ceremony typically lasts for about 90 minutes, and then students and their guests are invited to Ida Noyes for a reception immediately following.
The University of Chicago Medical and Biological Sciences Alumni Association partners with the Office of Medical Education and the Arnold P. Gold Foundation to sponsor this special ceremony and reception.
7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 22, 2003
Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, 5850 S. Woodlawn Avenue, University of Chicago campus