How should I prepare for my urogynecologic surgery?

The decision to proceed with one procedure over another is complex, and it is important to understand that you are not alone. The urogynecologists at the University of Chicago Medicine recognize this and have pioneered a computer-based decision-making module to assist women with this decision based on their values and treatment goals. During your consultation, you’ll receive an introduction to your surgical options and will be provided access to this computer-based module that provides educational materials.

Once you have met with your urogynecologic surgeon and decided to proceed with surgical management of your pelvic floor disorder, you will be scheduled for several preparatory appointments.

  1. Pre-operative visit with our dedicated nursing team: Our nurses will meet with you and spend time reviewing specific pre-operative and post-operative instructions  to make sure you feel well prepared for your procedure. Depending on the procedure you are having, they will offer to teach you how to pass a urethral catheter to prevent urinary retention. Our nurses will also make sure you have the prescriptions and understand what medications to take before and after surgery.
  2. Bladder testing: Our nurses will perform specific bladder testing prior to surgery to evaluate your urinary tract. Depending on the surgery you are having, you surgeon might have the nurse perform urodynamic testing.
  3. Surgical consultation with your surgeon: Your surgeon will examine you and work with you to tailor a surgical approach to best meet your goals and needs. Once you have agreed on the exact surgical procedure, you will sign the surgical consent with your surgeon.